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The Los Angeles Review is open for submissions year-round. All submissions will be considered for LAR Online and for the new best-of print edition to be released yearly in the Spring.

We encourage submitters to familiarize themselves with our journal before sending work. You can read more at

For any questions or issues regarding submissions, please contact


Please submit 3-5 poems that will surprise us, wow us, and make us wish we’d written them ourselves. We are open to form, free verse, prose poems, and experimental styles. Our only criterion is quality. Please send all poems in a single document; do not submit or attach each poem separately.

All submissions will be considered for the online edition of LAR, and for the best-of print issue set to be released every Spring. 

If a poem is accepted elsewhere, please send a message on Submittable to let us know. Do not withdraw the entire submission if want us to consider the remaining poems. 


We’re looking for hard-to-put-down sequences of shorts or stand-alone lengthier stories in the 1,000 – 4,000 words range. Regardless of length, we always hope to see lively, vivid, excellent literary fiction.

 All submissions will be considered for the online edition of LAR, and for the best-of print issue set to be released every Spring. 

Direct correspondence to


We’re looking for shorts of 1,000 words or less that we want to read again and again. We’re looking for work that is lively, vivid, and leaves us wanting more.

All submissions will be considered for the online edition of LAR, and for the best-of print issue set to be released every Spring. 

Please note: if submitting multiple pieces, each piece must be submitted separately. Submissions that do not follow this policy will not be considered.

Direct correspondence to


Please submit an essay, memoir, or commentary told as compelling, focused, sustained narrative in a distinctive voice, rich with detail. Send 1,000-4,000 words or delight us with flash nonfiction that cat-burgles our expectations. 

 All submissions will be considered for the online edition of LAR, and for the best-of print issue set to be released every Spring. 

Direct correspondence to


Please submit no more than 5 poems (single-spaced) or 5 pages of prose (double-spaced). Include biographical notes for both the author and the translator. Your submission must be accompanied by 1) the original text and 2) a letter from the rights holder stating that you have permission to translate and publish the work in the United States. If you cannot provide #2, we may still print your work, but please remember that obtaining permissions is the translator's responsibility. Thank you for sending us your work--we look forward to reading it.

 All submissions will be considered for the online edition of LAR, and for the best-of print issue set to be released every Spring. 

Direct correspondence to

The Los Angeles Review